Foreword by Rev Dr David Smethurst

In this amazing book, Shandy McJarrow captures the struggle of those
dealing with the sickness and death of a close relative. She carefully
addresses the grief and stress upon the family and brings these issues
to the surface so that they can be dealt with. You see, stress can be
defined in this way – it is the body and the mind’s reaction to change.
Nobody likes change very much, because it takes us out of our comfort
zone. Very often there is nothing we can do to avoid changes in life,
especially changes that are beyond our control. The resulting frustration
produces a “fight or flight” or “fear or faith” attitude within us – run
away from it or stay and deal with it. The only way to help us overcome
in these situations is to have the right attitude and the correct instruction
on how to manage the stress. A wonderful Christian preacher and author
named Charles Swindoll, puts it like this, “We cannot change the inevitable,
but we can change our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% of what
happens to us and 90% how we react to it. We may not be in charge of devastating circumstances, but we are in charge of our attitudes.”
You will read of the step by step struggle of a young mother to cope with
an incurable disease some years after losing a new-born baby son,
and then to keep faith in God and people, when circumstances were
saying, "give up". That's so hard at times when the doctor says,
"You have cancer". And after the treatment, to hear the words,
"The disease is back" is just as devastating. You will be amazed that
this young lady, named Faith, lived up to her name – she didn't lose
faith in God nor in those who were treating her. She is recorded to have
said, "I'm not angry with God… He is still in control".Then you’ll see
this young mother’s brave common sense coming.....

About the Author Shandy McJarrow - FORWARD 2


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